Obesity derived from Latin word obese, which means one who has become plump through eating. It is defined as excess storage of triglycerides in adipose cells. Normal BMI is 19 to 24.9kg/m2. Anything more than 30kg/m2 is obese. It is associated with menstrual irregularities. Whilst most attention has been directed towards the effects of obesity on anovulatory infertility, there is evidence that even in women, who are ovulating, being overweight has a negative influence on spontaneous conception. 0.1 unit increase in waist hip ratio, there is a 30% decrease in the probability of conception per cycle. The most important endocrine change in obesity is elevation of basal blood insulin level and insulin resistance. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is very high in the general population, with a great variability according to different environmental factors, ethnicity and geographical areas, but available data suggest that prevalence may be significantly higher in women with PCOS, ranging from 35 to 50% .The incidence of oligospermia and asthenospermia increased with BM1 from 5.3% and 4.5% in normal weight men to 15.6% and 13.3% in obese men. Weight reduction is achieved by a combination of dietary advice, psychological support and exercise. VFRC with our team of diabetologist and nutrition therapist provide various weight reduction programs based on the requirements of the various individuals.